About Farm Family CPD
FRS Training has partnered with a number of Irish farm families, the HSA, IFA, FBD, Teagasc and FRS Network to develop five online farm safety courses for Irish farm families.
The training aims to affect attitudes and behaviours to reduce the level of on-farm fatal and non-fatal incidents.
Funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine under the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Initiative, Farm Family CPD aims to deliver online farm safety training to all generations living and working on family farms throughout Ireland.

Developed with farm families
At the training design stage, subject matter expertise from farm families and the disciplines of behavioural science, adult education and conventional health & safety were blended to deliver unique and practical training for farm families which has the benefit of being endorsed by farmers. Farm families are at the core of this initiative. The training has been developed to promote a new cost effective and sustainable training-led approach to foster farm health, safety and wellbeing within each generation of the farm family unit.
Farmer Friendly Courses
The courses are farmer friendly, family friendly and can further develop the capacity for behavioural change on farms.
Learning outcomes, assessments and evaluations can be used to further develop and contribute to a cost effective national training model for farm health and safety.
The training is available free of charge as a result of the EIP funding.